Price list in Tally
क्या आप जानते है की Tally में Price list क्या होता है? ओर Tally में Price list केसे बना शकते है? अगर नही तो इस लेख को पढने के बाद आप यह जरूर समज जायेगें की Price list in Tally क्या होता है ओर आप Tally में Price list कैसे बना शकते है। अगर आपका धंधा Manufacturing ओर Sales का है की जीसमे आपके पास Customer, Dealer और Wholesaler आते है ओर आपको सबकी प्राइस अलग-अलग रखनी है तो यहां टेली आपकी मदद अपने एक फीचर Price list के जरीए कर शकता है मतलब की आप Customer, Dealer और Wholesaler की अलग-अलग Price list टेली में बना शकते है। तो Price list in Tally के जरीए नीचे दीए गए स्टेप को फोलो करके हम Tally में Price list बनाना शीखेगें।
Step:-1 Create New Company
Step:-2 Gateway of Tally >> F2:- Inventory Features
Allow Discount Column on
Invoice :- Yes
Used Multiple Price level :- Yes
Level |
1. Dealer 2.
Customer |
Read More:- Price List Example-2
Step:-3 Ledger Creation
Gateway of Tally >> Account Info >> Ledgers >> Create
Step:-4 Inventory Creation
Gateway of Tally >> Inventory Info >> Units of Measure >> Create
Gateway of Tally >> Inventory Info >> Stock Groups >> Create
Step:-5 Voucher Entry à F9 { Purchase }
Step:-6 Set Price List for Dealer &
All Items à Dealer / Customer
Step:-7 Give F8 (Sales Entry) Price list display.
Inventory Price List
1. The
following items have been Purchase from Navkar Cloth.
Purchase Item |
Bill Number |
Rate |
01.04.20 |
Cotton Round Men's Casual Wear |
PONC001 |
150 |
500 |
01.04.20 |
Cotton Shirts |
PONC002 |
140 |
400 |
01.04.20 |
Denims & Trousers |
PONC003 |
144 |
100 |
02.04.20 |
MAFIA Hosiery Shrugs |
PONC004 |
136 |
749 |
02.04.20 |
Ara India Plain Men's Shirt |
PONC005 |
141 |
450 |
01.05.20 |
Cotton, Linen Checks Men's Shirts |
PONC006 |
144 |
400 |
01.05.20 |
Cotton Casual Shirt |
PONC007 |
145 |
475 |
02.05.20 |
Denim Full Sleeves Designer Shirt |
PONC008 |
165 |
320 |
02.05.20 |
Denim Slim Fit Shirt |
PONC009 |
170 |
435 |
2. The
following item have been ordered from Suraiya Cloth Stores.
Item |
Number |
Rate |
01.04.20 |
Medium Blue Straight Fit
Full Length Jeans |
POSC001 |
150 |
799 |
01.04.20 |
Light Blue Tapered Fit Full
Length Jeans |
POSC002 |
140 |
560 |
01.04.20 |
Blue Tint Slim Straight Fit
Full Length Jeans |
POSC003 |
144 |
1499 |
02.04.20 |
Black Slim Straight Fit
Full Length Jeans |
POSC004 |
136 |
1749 |
02.04.20 |
Indigo Blue Slim Straight
Fit Full Length |
POSC005 |
141 |
1299 |
01.05.20 |
Dark Blue Slim Tapered Fit
Full Length |
POSC006 |
144 |
799 |
01.05.20 |
Tinted Blue Slim Tapered
Fit Full Length |
POSC007 |
145 |
475 |
02.05.20 |
Low Distress Jeans |
POSC008 |
165 |
1299 |
02.05.20 |
Midnight Blue Skinny Fit
Full Length Jeans |
POSC009 |
170 |
435 |
3. The
following item have been ordered from Sabana Ladies Dress.
Item |
Number |
Rate |
01.04.20 |
Ladies Chiffon Gotta Patti
Top |
POSLD001 |
150 |
321 |
01.04.20 |
Pink, White Cotton Women
Top |
POSLD002 |
140 |
199 |
01.04.20 |
Rayon Acid Wash Ladies
Blouse |
POSLD003 |
144 |
255 |
02.04.20 |
Georgette Maroon Plain Bell
Sleeve Top |
POSLD004 |
136 |
497 |
02.04.20 |
Cotton Plain Short Top |
POSLD005 |
141 |
180 |
01.05.20 |
Sleeves ST 1605 Trendy Top |
POSLD006 |
144 |
311 |
01.05.20 |
Ladies Printed Tops |
POSLD007 |
145 |
249 |
02.05.20 |
Rayon Casual Fancy Tops |
POSLD008 |
165 |
259 |
02.05.20 |
Dark Green Ladies Stylish
Top |
POSLD009 |
170 |
220 |
Before Sale set price list for Dealer Tejasvini
Discount |
From |
Than |
0 |
40 |
10 |
41 |
80 |
15 |
80 |
---- |
20 |
5. Set Price list for Dealer Raj
Amount |
From |
Less Than |
0 |
40 |
Rs. 100 |
41 |
80 |
Rs. 150 |
80 |
---- |
Rs. 200 |
6. Set Price list for Customer
Less Amount |
From |
Less Than |
0 |
4 |
5% |
5 |
8 |
8% |
8 |
---- |
10% |
7. The
following item have been Sales to Tejasvini Cloth Stores. (Dealer)
Sales Item |
Bill Number |
Rate |
01.05.20 |
Ladies Printed Tops |
AC005 |
143 |
849 |
01.05.20 |
Rayon Casual Fancy Tops |
AC125 |
163 |
850 |
01.05.20 |
Dark Green Ladies Stylish
Top |
AC155 |
165 |
870 |
02.05.20 |
Tinted Blue Slim Tapered
Fit Full Length |
AC165 |
45 |
875 |
02.05.20 |
Low Distress Jeans |
AC167 |
165 |
1999 |
01.06.20 |
Midnight Blue Skinny Fit
Full Length Jeans |
AC177 |
100 |
1035 |
01.06.20 |
Cotton Casual Shirt |
AC200 |
45 |
1075 |
02.06.20 |
Denim Full Sleeves Designer Shirt |
AC205 |
165 |
920 |
02.06.20 |
Denim Slim Fit Shirt |
AC208 |
170 |
1050 |
8. The
following item have been Sales to Raj Cloth Stores. (Dealer)
Sales Item |
Bill Number |
Rate |
01.05.20 |
MAFIA Hosiery Shrugs |
AC209 |
130 |
1349 |
01.05.20 |
Ara India Plain Men's Shirt |
AC210 |
41 |
1050 |
01.05.20 |
Cotton, Linen Checks Men's
Shirts |
AC222 |
144 |
1000 |
02.05.20 |
Black Slim Straight Fit
Full Length Jeans |
AC225 |
136 |
2449 |
02.05.20 |
Indigo Blue Slim Straight
Fit Full Length |
AC230 |
141 |
1999 |
01.06.20 |
Dark Blue Slim Tapered Fit
Full Length |
AC233 |
144 |
1499 |
01.06.20 |
Georgette Maroon Plain Bell
Sleeve Top |
AC236 |
65 |
1197 |
02.06.20 |
Cotton Plain Short Top |
AC240 |
40 |
880 |
02.06.20 |
Sleeves ST 1605 Trendy Top |
AC250 |
48 |
811 |
9. The following item have been Sales to Viraj
Cloth Stores.(Customer)
Sales Item |
Bill Number |
Rate |
01.05.20 |
Ladies Chiffon Gotta Patti
Top |
AC256 |
4 |
821 |
01.05.20 |
Pink, White Cotton Women
Top |
AC258 |
3 |
699 |
01.05.20 |
Rayon Acid Wash Ladies
Blouse |
AC266 |
5 |
755 |
02.05.20 |
Medium Blue Straight Fit
Full Length Jeans |
AC269 |
5 |
1299 |
02.05.20 |
Light Blue Tapered Fit Full
Length Jeans |
AC270 |
4 |
1060 |
01.06.20 |
Blue Tint Slim Straight Fit
Full Length Jeans |
AC271 |
4 |
1999 |
01.06.20 |
Cotton Round Men's Casual Wear |
AC288 |
5 |
1000 |
02.06.20 |
Cotton Shirts |
AC290 |
1 |
900 |
02.06.20 |
Denims & Trousers |
AC293 |
2 |
600 |
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