Interest Calculation in Tally Prime
Interest Calculation in Tally Prime क्या है? जब हम कोई मिलक्त खरीद ते है और उसे हप्तो से खरीद ते है तो हमे उन हप्तो की पेमेन्ट पर Interest देना पडता है। तो आइए आज हम Interest Calculation in Tally Prime केसे कीया जाता है यह देखते है। यह Interest Calculation सीर्फ मिल्कत को हप्तो पर खरीद ने पर ही नही बल्के कीसी को उधार पेसे दीये हो और कीसी से उधार पेसे लीये हो तब भी हम Interest Calculation in Tally Prime कर सकते है।
तो आईए हम Tally Prime मे Interest Calculation केसे करते है वह सीखते है।
Interest Calculation in Tally Prime
Tally Prime मे नीचे दीये गये उदाहरण के जरीये हम Interest
Calculation करना सीखेगे।
उदाहरण-: मानलीजीए के आपने Honda के Showroom में सें Honda Shine Bike खरीद रहे है जीसकी कीमत
80000 रू है। जीसमे आप 10000 रू डाउन पेमेन्ट भर रहे है और बाकी रकम को Interest
के साथ हर महीन 5000 रू किस्तो में पे करना है।
इस उदाहरण की Tally Prime में एन्ट्री करने के लीये नीचे दीये गए स्टेप फोलो करे।
Read More:- Free Scheme Entry in Tally Prime Interest Calculation in Tally
Step-1 Create
Step-2 Ledger
Ledger Creation आपको नीचे दीये गए Ledger बनाने है, ओर उसमे Interest Calculation को yes करना है।
1) Honda Show Room
2) Honda Shine
Interest on Honda Shine
1) Honda Show Room
जीसमे आप Image में दीय़े गये मुजब Parameters सेट करना है।
2) Honda Shine
Active Interest Calculation पर yes करते ही Interest Parameters दीखाये गा।
3) Interest on Honda Shine
Interest Calculation पर yes करते ही Interest
Parameters दीखाये गा।
जीसमे आप को Image में दीय़े गये मुजब Parameters सेट करना है।
नोंधः- Axis Bank का Ledgerबनाये और उसका Opening Balance 100000 डाले।
Step-3 अब Ledger Create करने के बाद हमे Honda Shine Bike की एन्ट्री F7 (Journal
Voucher) मे करनी है।
Step-4 अब Interest देखने के लीये आप को Gateway of Tally मे Display More Reportsमे Statement of Accounts मे Interest Calculations मे Interest Payable मेजाकर Alt +F2 करके उसमे आप जीस महिने
का Interest देखना चाहते हो वो तारीख डालनी है।
अब Payment Voucher मे जाकर Paymentकी entry करनी है।
इसी तरह आपको हर महिने Payment की entry करनी है।
Step-4 सबी Entry Complete होने के बाद आपने टोटल
कितना Interest Pay कीया है यह देखने के
लीये आपको नीचे दीये गए स्टेप फोलो करने है।
Gateway of Tally >>Display More Report >> Accounts Book
>> Ledger>> Interest on Honda Shine
इस तरह से आप Tally Prime में Interest Calculation कर शकते है।
Tally Prime मे Interest Calculation की Practice के लीये आपको नीचे ओर उदाहरण दीये है। जीसकी मदद से आप Tally Prime मे आप Interest Calculation की ओर प्रेकटीस कर सकते हो।
Example-1 1st April Sales to Saniya Mirza worth Rs. 5,00,000 with the credit period of 32 days. (5% interest will charged for delay payment)
2nd June Receive bill amount from Saniya Mirza.
2nd June Receive interest amount by cash.
Example-2 1st May Sales to Ajara Malek worth Rs. 2,40,000 with Credit period of 42 days. (8% interest will charged for delay payment, Gracing 3 days apply)
1st August receive Rs.1,00,000 from Ajara Malek by Cheque.
1st October receive remaining amount from Ajara Malek without interest.
2nd October receive interest amount by cash from Ajara Malek.
Example-3 2nd April purchase goods worth Rs. 8,00,000 from Shivani Panchal with credit period of 30 days.(10% will charge for delay of payment)
1st June paid bill amount to Shivani Panchal by cheque.
2nd June paid interest amount by cash to Shivani Panchal.
Example-4 1st May purchase goods worth Rs. 9,50,000 from Ruzda Shaikh with credit period of 30 days.(5% will charge for delay of payment)
2st June paid bill amount to Ruzda Shaikh by cheque.
2nd July paid interest amount by cash to Ruzda Shaikh.
Example-5 1st Jun purchase goods worth Rs. 10,00,786 from Mahjabin with credit period of 30 days.(8% will charge for delay of payment)
1st July paid bill amount to Mahjabin by cheque.
2nd July paid interest amount by cash to Mahjabin.
Example-6 1st July purchase goods worth Rs. 11,12,786 from Juned Saiyad with credit period of 30 days.(12% will charge for delay of payment)
1st Aug paid bill amount to Juned Saiyad by cheque.
2nd Aug paid interest amount by cash to Juned Saiyad.
Example-7 1st Aug purchase goods worth Rs. 17,86,786 from Shaikh Imran with credit period of 30 days.(14% will charge for delay of payment)
1st Sep paid bill amount to Shaikh Imran by cheque.
2nd Sep paid interest amount by cash to Shaikh Imran.
Example-8 1st Sep purchase goods worth Rs. 27,86,786 from Taslim Shaikh with credit period of 30 days.(14% will charge for delay of payment)
1st Oct paid bill amount to Taslim Shaikh by cheque.
2nd Oct paid interest amount by cash to Taslim Shaikh.
Example-9 1st Oct purchase goods worth Rs. 2,00,143 from Taslim Iraki with credit period of 30 days.(4% will charge for delay of payment)
1st Nov paid bill amount to Taslim Iraki by cheque.
2nd Nov paid interest amount by cash to Taslim Iraki.
Example-10 1st Nov purchase goods worth Rs. 3,30,333 from Mustakim Sipai with credit period of 30 days.(5% will charge for delay of payment)
1st Dec paid bill amount to Mustakim Sipai by cheque.
2nd Dec paid interest amount by cash to Mustakim Sipai.
Example-11 1st Nov purchase goods worth Rs. 3,99,999 from Sagufta with credit period of 30 days.(5% will charge for delay of payment)
1st Dec paid bill amount to Sagufta by cheque.
2nd Dec paid interest amount by cash to Sagufta.
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